Saturday, September 6, 2008

Skiing on my 24th BDAY!

Friday the 22nd I turned 24 and what better way to spend my 24th than on the slopes? Corey and I took a ski shuttle an hour and a half from the Santiago to El Colorado Ski Resort in Farrellones through one of the sketchiest canyons. I was laughing the whole time...these drivers are crazy! If you've experienced the road to Hana in Maui, imagine a more barren, steeper incline along with some crazy Chileans who pass on blind corners, (a fellow traveler referred to it as Chilean Chicken)...and that should paint a rough picture of this was awesome! I couldn't get over how tall the Andes were and how high we were! The skiing was surprisingly good and left ear to ear grins on our faces. Skiing mid-summer in Chile?? Who would have thought...this is going to be an expensive habit...

1 comment:

Sirrine said...

Looks like someone does a lot of vacationing. Go to Chile often? By the way, if you don;t know who I am, I am your cousin.