Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Uintas Bday Trip

People use the word great to difine many things... sometimes it is overused and sometimes it's over emphasized. In this case, I genuinely mean to say that I have great friends and a great family. This weekend trip was so relaxing and so perfect, I haven't been this happy in a long time. Something about being in the cool, fresh mountain air surrounded by good company and indulging in some incredible dutch oven food put me in a place I wish I could always be, so content and so at ease with life. I could almost say I wouldn't change a thing about my life... well maybe one or two things, but those can come later. We rock climbed Saturday up at one of our favorite places to climb, Ruth's Lake, and I soon found out that I really do have a fear of heights...something I've never admited because impulse and pride always seem to override it. Jules and I cleaned two climbs that couldn't be more than a 5.8 and I let fear take over and I almost didn't follow through. 25 mins later, I cleaned it and felt quite accomplished if I don't say (completely silly I know) but hey, I'm 25...no time to woose out now! My family joined us Sat. night and we played some hilarious games around the campfire following dirty boy chicken.. mmmm! I love the Uintas, I love summer and I love my friends and family. Thanks again everyone!!