Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Winter Fun!

Which of the following statements are not true:
A: Nichole loves to ski
B: Nichole loves birght colors
C: Nichole loves mustaches

If you answered C you are correct! Although it may appear in the picture above that I love mustaches... I really don't ;) But I have such a love for skiing and this season I've been fortunate enough, after using the same skis for the past 6 seasons, to finally updated my ski garb - Thanks to my great job working for the Rossignol Group. My choice of colors...very bright like the rainbow.

This winter has been fun-filled and very social. I just moved into a new house in Sugar House with three of my good friends and you can imagine, I don't get much sleep! Every Saturday has been mandatory Canyons ski/ride day due to the fact that I work M-F 8:30-5...yeah, I'm growing up big time! Skiing has definitely been just for me this winter and I don't cringe at the thought of being obligated to teach for the first time in 3 years. I have much to catch up on so stick around, there's more to come.