This post is a little out of order, but I completely forgot to include it. My roommate Randi and I took a train down to Buena Vista (pronounced byoona vista by the locals) the tiniest college town where everybody knew everybody's business. Shea drove us through main st. the whole 100 yds of it and I couldn't help but notice the Welcome to Buena Vista sign Population 6000 and 3 drunks. I was definitely far from D.C. We came down to see Shea and Graham play in their homecoming football game and ended up having a blast! They won their game with two amazing touch downs by Shea and Graham...just for us :) Then later, we crashed their homecoming dance which gave me flashbacks of high school dances. Everyone we met was really nice and I almost grew envious of the small town life. Living in D.C. gets a bit too much for me. The photo below is in Panther Falls near Shea's house and at the game is Craig (Shea's awesome roommate) Me (Shea's awesome friend) Randi and Chelsea (two awesome girls ;) I hope you all find the humor in that. Anyhow, it was a really fun weekend! Thanks boys!
You would think so, but this happens to be the later stages of growing them out for a mustache bash they had last weekend...gross. Apparently its become quite popular??
does everyone down there grow little gross child molester mustaches?
You would think so, but this happens to be the later stages of growing them out for a mustache bash they had last weekend...gross. Apparently its become quite popular??
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